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Ex smoker. inhaler technique ok. air entry good. no wheeze. peak flow stable. no excerbations over this year. clenil only with urti. using ventolin twice a day as she was asked to do so. advised to use it only when required. discussed asthma triggers.

Chicken pox:

Has got chicken pox ? - will watch for eye lesions, sob and confusion. will use cream when required for itching. watch for infected lesion. after all lesions have scabbed, not infectious and can go out.


Headache 1 yr duration. site changes. coming around twice a month and lasting around a week at a time. ache. associated with nausea and better lying down. noise makes it worse. no fhx of migraine. not dehydrated. no cocp. using computer screen but many years. has seen optician last year. no emotional distress. sleeping around 7-8 hours at night. no trauma. on ex: CN 1-12 normal. peripheral tone, power, sensation, reflexes and coordination ok. gait ok. bp stable. P: amitriptyline at night. can cause drowsiness. mri head - rule out lesion in view of long duration of headaches and pt anxiety as a family member had a brain tumour.

Measles morbillivirus:

Measles morbillivirus, formerly called measles virus, is a single-stranded, negative-sense, enveloped, non-segmented RNA virus of the genus Morbillivirus within the family Paramyxoviridae. It is the cause of measles. Humans are the natural hosts of the virus; no animal reservoirs are known to exist.

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